Yarlung Records presents the PS Audio Quartet
Your support has kept us busy and happy at Yarlung Records. Your Quad, Double and Single DSD download orders have placed our albums consistently in the top ten across the NativeDSD website. Sometimes number 5, sometimes 6, and often even number 1 or 2! And the superb recordings from other labels on the site have inspired us to keep helping the NativeDSD family grow.
Elliot Midwood and Steve Hoffman are two of the titans who enabled Yarlung Records to succeed. Steve, known as one of the finest mastering engineers in the world, kindly took us under his wing to master our first release and he has generously worked with us ever since. Elliot Midwood helps us continue to refine our recording techniques, designs microphone preamplification and monitoring equipment for us, and serves as executive producer for a number of our most successful analog releases as well as this DSD quartet. We use Elliot’s studio at Acoustic Image to check test recordings and hone our microphone setups. And we always listen with him one final time before an album reaches you. It is fair to say that Yarlung recordings are “born” at Acoustic Image.
The PS Audio Quartet includes some of Elliot’s favorite albums in the Yarlung catalog; and people still walk up to Steve Hoffman from time to time, asking for his autograph on physical copies of Dialoghi and Janaki String Trio. They are two of the early recordings in our catalog, now in DSD for the first time.
Both Steve and Elliot think highly of PS Audio’s DirectStream digital to analog converter, and both use them for digital playback. We are therefore doubly pleased that PS Audio agreed to sponsor Yarlung’s fourth quartet of albums in DSD. Thanks especially to Paul McGowan and Bill Leebens at PS Audio for making this possible.
NativeDSD has arranged a 10% introductory discount for the PS Audio quartet for 7 days. Use the coupon code “PSAudio” to receive the discounted price. Please let me know what you think of the music.
Congratulations PS Audio! And thank you!
– Bob Attiyeh, producer