Executive Producers – Yarlung Records
Sponsorship, philanthropy and guidance from underwriters have always been critical to the success of music and the performing arts. The choragoi, wealthy citizens of Athens, helped produce and pay for classical performances in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Before them, the pharaohs sponsored the arts in ancient Egypt. Lorenzo de Medici and his Renaissance family were not the first patrons of the arts in western culture, and as long as the arts flourish, it will be visionary people who finance them and make them possible. Countess Yoko Nagae Ceschina, “Fairy Godmother to the New York Philharmonic,” died last month. I appreciated this loving tribute in the New York Times. It is our executive producers who sponsor and make music possible at Yarlung Records. They are our fairy godmothers and fairy godfathers, our modern Medicis, who work with us and support our musicians every year. Please join our executive producers Continue Reading →