“Go to your quiet place, turn out the lights, transport to the original recording session with these musicians. The sound quality is that good—immersive, translucent, and transcending. And the musical performances are that subtle, seductive, and enveloping.
“Bob Attiyeh, Yarlung Records, has ever been an adventurous supporter of new, emerging artists. His recordings have long been favorites of mine. And he does not disappoint with this new release….
“At present, Habib is in the middle of two-year pilgrimage, studying the teachings, history, culture and music of venerated Sufi teachers and saints in India, Pakistan and other parts of the world. Habib is studying and absorbing more of this rich tradition to incorporate into his own spiritual, musical and practice. He looks forward to sharing these traditions and the experience of universal unity they inspire more fully with the world in coming years. Here he is, a traveler and seeker of truth, no matter whether he is a Jewish, Catholic, Hindu, Agnostic, Shaman, Muslim Shaykh with abundant love and generosity to share with others in an inclusive embrace.
“I was gratified to find Bob Attiyeh’s extensive booklet… as I worked to understand more about the tradition from which this music comes.
“The clarity, resolution, and purity of the sound are stunning. It simply doesn’t get better than this for a sound-quality-worshipping audiophile who values minimalist miking that captures the session simply and without post production edits and futzing. When coupled with music performance quality of this standard, the listening just cannot be bettered.
“Highly recommended….”
–Rushton Paul, PFO
Please enjoy the full article.
Many thanks to executive producer Lucile Grieder.
Sacred Trance Music from Taos Mountain is available at Yarlung Records, NativeDSD and for free on YouTube. Coming later on HDTracks, Amazon, Spotify and Apple.