Three articles about “Symmetriā Pario.”
Yarlung executive producer Russell Ward deserves credit for encouraging Yarlung in an additional direction this year and last. Russell’s love of music and his background in quantum physics and the origins of things united. These inspired his Symmetriā project. In short, Russell encourages us to hear and feel connections between music composed by human beings and music resulting from nature. Olivier Messiaen heard music in bird song, of course, and incorporated much “bird song” played by acoustic and electronic instruments into his compositions for human musicians to perform. Russell would argue that we might perceive bird song and human-composed music on an equal footing, and he asks us to hear music derived from files of data captured from atomic and subatomic particle evolution and decay in a similar way. So far, Russell collaborated with Yarlung Records to release Symmetriā Pario, an album juxtaposing subatomic particle “music” with music already extant Continue Reading →